- If it is against the law, it is not permitted.
- Good personal hygiene is required by all volunteers.
- All volunteer forms must be submitted and approved via our online form or walk-up (if available).
- A photo ID is required on-site at initial check-in.
- Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older.
- Physical and/or verbal harassment of any kind will not be tolerated.
- Volunteers are expected to volunteer for 6 hours for the duration of the convention to receive a membership badge.
- All volunteers must follow the same rules as the convention members. This includes but is not limited to:
- No trading passes.
- No skipping lines to convention events.
- Volunteers are responsible for any damage to the hotel, venue, and/or convention property.
- No volunteer will consume, transport, or carry alcoholic beverages of any kind while working in convention areas, or crash spaces.
- Volunteers must be sober when reporting for assigned hours.
- Volunteers must show up on time to their assigned duty locations.
- Volunteers will perform all tasks, and duties assigned to them.
- Use of devices such as; cell phones, tablets, laptops, and more is prohibited while on duty unless otherwise approved, or in an emergency situation.
- If a volunteer misses a shift or behaves poorly, the Staff over the volunteer, any Director, the Vice Chairman, or the Chairman may revoke the volunteer’s badge and any other benefits the volunteer may be receiving.
- Cosplaying or wearing a costume is permitted by an on-duty volunteer as long as they are wearing a volunteer shirt.
- Travel costs and parking fees are the responsibility of the volunteer. Furthermore, transportation to and from the convention is the responsibility of the volunteer.
- SUPERSTARCON, The Traveling Bard Studios, its staff, and Dallas Games Marathon personnel are not responsible for any misplaced, lost, or stolen personal items.