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⭐SUPERSTARCON⭐2024 Cosplay contest appliCATION
The ⭐SUPERSTARCON⭐ Cosplay Contest will take place on:
Saturday, December 14th, 2024
. Online sign-ups
will continue through the event until 12pm day of the event. (Even if you were able to get in the application after 12pm!)
Please read the Cosplay Contest Rules before entering
Once you have submitted this application, please line up to go into the room labeled The Shire for prejudging.
Indicates required field
Email (That you check frequently this is how you will be contacted.)
By entering this contest, I agree to read and abide by all rules as listed. I acknowledge that failure to do so may result in my disqualification from the contest, and I confirm that I have read and understand the
⭐SUPERSTARCON⭐ Cosplay Contest Rules
I understand the rule & agree to them.
Walk-Ons will be given 30 SECONDS on stage. Walk-Ons may not submit custom music and will be assigned runway-style music selected prior to the event.
*** Skits will not be accepted. Participants have 30 seconds for poses and 1 jump scare moment.
Entry Type
You must select a skill level below. We do not have different divisions this year however this will help our judges give a fair assessment of your design and give adequate feedback.
Choose One
Number of Handlers (allowed up to 2.)
Legal Name
Stage Name
If left blank, you will be called by your first name listed above.
What Character are you cosplaying?
What show/series/franchise did you character originate from?
Please list any awards won with this costume.
Failure to inform staff or judges of any previously won awards in this costume will result in disqualification and/or banning from By entering this contest I agree to read and abide by all rules as listed. I acknowledge that failure to do so may result in my disqualification from the contest, and I confirm that I have read and understand the ⭐SUPERSTARCON⭐ Cosplay Contests.
Please provide your Instagram Handle.
If applicable, provide a handle where we can view your work. This may also be used to credit you on social media if you win an award. e.g. @instahandle
Please link any other social media where we can view your work.
By registering for this cosplay contest, I consent to have my participation photographed or filmed by ⭐SUPERSTARCON⭐ and its affiliated. I authorize ⭐SUPERSTARCON⭐and its affiliates to use any photograph and/or video taken of me in publications, news releases, online social media, and in other communications, and I waive any right to compensation.
I agree to the statement above.
If you do not agree with the statement here, you will NOT be able to enter the contest.
I agree to receiving marketing and promotional materials
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